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Monitoring Covid-19 safety measures with live occupancy numbers

Retailers are expected to adhere to Covid-19 restrictions on total occupancy numbers in their shops or shopping centres and control the number of customers entering. This can only be achieved with reliable and accurate footfall data. PFM Footfall Intelligence offers a suitable people counting technique for every location and every situation. Monitoring real-time occupancy allows retailers to take immediate action when the number of customers is exceeding the limit. If the maximum is close to being reached, an alarm will be given so that customer flow can be minimalised.  

Live occupancy dashboard

To adhere to safety regulations during this global pandemic, the advanced people counting techniques provided by PFM allow you to count real-time occupancy in your location. This way, you will have a proactive approach on incoming and outgoing visitors. Being alerted when crowds per m2 increase, ensures the safety of both your staff and customers. Another advantage of real-time people counting is the need of fewer staff members at the entrance.   

Help customer preplan their visit

Display a real-time heatmap on your website of peak hours and less busy hours so that customers can preplan their visit accordingly. If it is currently really busy, they might find an alternative time to visit. This will spread out customer flows. This proactive approach to influence the amount of customers at a given time is all geared towards ensuring that government safety regulations are not breached. On top of this, customers will also be informed on possible queue times, in turn improving customer experience.  

People counting to increase business efficiency (also after the pandemic)

Collecting and understanding footfall data allows you to use your space more efficiently, allocate staff in the best way possible and improving your customer experience. People counting forms the basis of all strategic and operational decisions made in any business that includes customers. To base decisions on data, it is vital that the collected data is consistent and accurate. Each market is different and requires a different counting approach. Don’t hesitate to reach out to a specialist like PFM Footfall Intelligence to get a specific tailor-made people counting solution for your location. PFM Footfall Intelligence is specialised in people counting and related data science in 4 main markets: shops, shopping malls, streets and stations. They know how to combine, interpret and analyse data for their customers to improve their overall business decision making. By bringing data to life you will gain great insights.